Lithium Sensor

Detect Lithium in Real Time

Do you need to know how to detect lithium in water or brine in realtime? Our online sensor provides realtime lithium detection in water or brine in the parts per billion (PPB). With increased lithium extraction worldwide, detection lithium in realtime is increasingly vital for process optimization and peak extraction.  Let us help you get realtime data to optimize your processes! 

Having realtime data on extractive processes allows for optimal extraction for minimal chemical consumption, and reduces maintenance costs over time.

AquaValid Sensor

The AquaValid sensor can connect to any pipe or flowing system, and monitor on a real time basis for up to five metals. The sensor is fully automated, handling sample taking and preparation without human intervention. Detecting into the PPB, the sensor can handle water from heavy industrial matrices to drinking water applications.



Connects To Any Flow Of Water

Connect our sensor to any pipe or water flow where you need the data now.

Fully Automated

Our sensor reports metals without the help of a skilled user. Just plug it in and get the data you need when you need it.

Maintenance and Support

We never abandon you. Our sensors are supported and maintained throughout their life in your facility.


Suitable For Multiple Applications

Detection levels from PPM to PPB depending on application and contaminant


Results to screen or SCADA system


Installation Requirements For Our Sensor

Power 120V, 15A circuit

Sample source line

Waste water line 

Clean water line
Vent to Atmosphere
Internet connectivity

learn more about how our sensors can help your business